Wednesday, May 6, 2020

I know that I am very different from other students. I...

I know that I am very different from other students. I have an extremely analytical mind and objective view on life, and so am passionate about subjects helping me gain a deeper understanding of the psychological factors that shape our actions and our lives. I had a fairly traditional introduction to the ideas of psychology and fashion as I grew up reading my mums glossy magazines; but like so many others around me, my knowledge of the psychological affects fashion has on society was slim. So I was given the impression from a young age that fashion is, as it appeared in these magazines – glamorous and flawless. However, they didn’t address problems that directly affect society and that had already affected me whilst growing up, such as†¦show more content†¦I have increasingly questioned the meaning behind unusual behavior, for instance aggression, arrogance and the techniques we use as humans, as defense mechanisms, such as humor. Wanting to balance my insight with the opinions of expert psychologists I purchased a subscription to The Psychologist magazine, which has also increased my thirst for the subject. I have learnt about the dynamic science of the mind, becoming informed of contemporary debates; for instance the Bystander Effect that definitely made me question the _________. One of the most intriguing articles I read was about the connection between sport psychology and the Olympics to mainstream psychology. Since the spark of my interest for Psychology I have spent time doing extra curricular activities in order to gain experience; such as volunteering for Brent Active Citizens as mentor for young people with mental health problems and this has allowed me to use my understanding of how others think and feel and put it into practice. Currently on my gap year I am working (for SANE mental health charity as an office executive which has been a completely life changing experience; allowing me to be part of the huge innovation to change the lives of many others.) Above all, I believe I am a determined and disciplined student with very high, but realistic goals. I am excited about the immense opportunity of studying psychology at university, gaining new skills, knowledge and a tolerance of the diversityShow MoreRelatedSelf-Defeating Behavior Patterns1630 Words   |  6 Pagesbehavior patterns I have is procrastinating. I know that many students suffer from this behavior pattern and struggle with it, but in my case, I consider it a serious problem that has influenced my academic work. Because of procrastinating, I sometimes have to work fast (and thus imperfectly) at the last minute and work under stress. I may even not be able to finish my work in time because of not starting to do it earlier. 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